by German_Noob
1 min read
Like everything else a website has to start somewhere. In this case with the first blog entry.
I will write about whatever interests me so expect a seemingly random collection of project and topics. To name just a few possible topics:
- Web Development
- Software Design
- Gaming
- Japanese learning
- Paper Craft
- Self organization
- Climbing
- Knitting
- Food and Cooking
You might already see that I have more hobbies and interests than time to spend so don't expect any kind of schedule for posts on this page. I will post as often as possible though and now that I have a good foundation it is actually pretty straight forward.
As for the mentioned foundation: I build this site using lume, a static site generator for deno. The theme is just a simple pre-build blog template. I will extend it later when I have a couple of posts up. For now, it is better to have a usable page than to spend hours creating a custom theme for a site without content.
Whenever I want to create a post I can simply create a Markdown file with the content and a short front matter with the title, date, author and tags. Because everything lies in a GitHub repository I can even create PRs for articles I don't want to post right away. I think this is a good, simple and scalable system.
Hope you have fun reading this and future posts.
Noob out 👋